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Contact Us

Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm except on statutory holidays. Evening and weekend by appointment only.

Applying for Passport Funding

If you are not currently a Passport client and are interested in applying for Passport Funding, please contact Developmental Services Ontario Hamilton-Niagara Region at 1-877-376-4674 or

Approval Package Support

If you have recently received an approval package or are in the process of completing your approval paperwork, please call 1-866-288-9659 ext. 380 or email

Client Support: Agency Administered

If you are a client or family member of a person whose funding is administered by a Transfer Payment Agency, Service Agency or Brokerage Agency, please call 1-866-288-9659 ext. 381 or email

Client Support: Self-Administered

If you are a client or family member of a person whose funding is self-administered, please call 1-866-288-9659 ext. 383 or email to A Client Support Coordinator can assist you with updating your information or answering any questions about your passport funding including claim submissions.


N’importe qui peut nous appeler pour obtenir d’information, de consultation ou de l’aide. Nous pouvons répondre en français ou en anglais.

Si votre preference est de parler en français, appuyer 7 quand vous appelez 1-877-376-4674. Vous pourrez laisser un message et quelqu’un qui parle français vous rappellera aussitôt que possible. Vous pouvez aussi envoyer des messages par courriel.

Hamilton Niagara Passport Funding Program

c/o Contact Hamilton,
140 King Street East, Suite 4,
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2

Phone: 905-529-5100

Toll-Free Phone: 1-866-288-9659

TTY:  905-667-0672

Toll-Free Fax: 1-844-777-6664

TTY and Interpretation Services

Calling Via Bell Relay Service (TTY)

Contact Hamilton can be contacted via TTY by placing a Bell Relay call.

Dial 711.

Enter 905-529-5100

Type GA.

The Bell Relay operator will dial the number for you, and will let you know as soon as you are connected (i.e. “Contact Hamilton is on the line, go ahead.”)

You can leave messages on answering machines or voicemail systems with the Bell Relay service. If you do this, please mention that you have called using the Relay service.

Both TTY service and interpretation services are available upon request. If you require either of these services, please call any of the phone numbers listed below and identify your need. We will be happy to help you.

Are you interested in applying for Passport funding?

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How to Reach Us:
140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888