Brokerages are private agencies or people that
- you hire to manage your Passport funding
- only provide administration support
- do not provide you any direct Passport supports or services
- may assist to coordinate your services
- receive your invoices and receipts from outside service providers on your behalf
- pay for supports and services up front on your behalf
- prepare your Purchase of Service Form and submit claims for reimbursement on your behalf (Note: you are still responsible to review for accuracy and sign off prior to each claim being submitted)
- are reimbursed directly by PassportONE
- may invoice up to 10% of the total of each claim submitted for their fees
Service Agencies are private agencies that
- you hire to administer your Passport funding
- you also purchase supports or services directly from their agency
- provide you an invoice for their services
- may assist to coordinate additional services for you
- may receive invoices or receipts from outside service providers on your behalf
- may pay for supports and services up front on your behalf
- prepare your Purchase of Service Form and submit claims for reimbursement on your behalf (Note: you are still responsible to review for accuracy and sign off prior to each claim being submitted)
- are reimbursed directly by PassportONE
- may invoice up to 10% of the total of each claim submitted for their fees