If you are managing all or a portion of your funds, you will need to submit your claims for reimbursement along with all required receipts. You have options when you submit your claims to PassportONE. Choose the one that is best for you:
Make sure you use a clean photocopy of your invoice form with each claim if you are emailing or faxing.
On Page 1 of your preprinted claims form it will have the name and code number of the Passport recipient. There are two sections on Page 1 asking:
The Person Managing Funds must sign Page 1 or your claim will not be paid.
Do not send any other information but your claim sheets and copies of receipts to PassportONE
In addition to Page 1, you will need to submit either pages 2, 3 and/or 4 of the POS form, depending on what types of claims you are seeking reimbursement for.
Page 2 is required for each support worker’s hours and/or mileage. Your support worker must sign this page, and you must print their name clearly on the top. You do not need to attach any receipts for this page. You will need a new Page 2 for each support worker.
Page 3 is required for each set of receipts relating to community participation. All related receipts must be attached and clearly legible.
Page 4 is required for other claims, such as support worker meals. All related receipts must be attached and clearly legible.
Save your forms and receipts somewhere safe, in case you need to resubmit the claim for some reason.
If you need copies of your POS form, please contact us for POS forms.
If you are submitting fax or emailed claims directly to PassportOne and you have questions, please call or email your coordinator.
If you are using MyDirectPlan, reach out to their help desk to troubleshoot any issues you are having.
Please refer to our FAQ for common claim questions and answers.
Your coordinator is your primary contact for all questions regarding your claims, changes in address, or other concerns. If you do not have it, please call us at 905-522-3304 and we will connect you with your coordinator.
Remember that whenever you hire a new support worker, you must submit a Support Worker Registration Form that includes the support worker’s contact information, signature, and the signature of the Person Managing Funds for the passport recipient.
How to Reach Us:
140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888
Email: info@contacthamilton.ca